A couple of weekends ago we had a big craft day at church and it was tons of fun. I had a lot of help from some amazing ladies and everyone who came had a great time.
I wanted to just show off the things I helped with.
With that activity out of the way, I’ve been focusing my attention on a big nativities display I’m helping with, planning a Christmas activity for the young women at church as well as putting together little gifts for them, wrapping up some of those started-but-not-finished projects, and of course there’s the ongoing keep the house running and people fed gig, PTO secretary, getting ready for the 3 birthdays in our house that happen before Christmas, and then Christmas. And compared to what some of you are up to every day, that probably sounds like nothing 🙂
I’m excited to show you some of the things I’ve been working on, so hopefully I get to them sooner rather than later!