I’m a little embarrassed to be showing you these next pictures 🙂
BUT, having a whole room made over by Mandi from Vintage Revivals is a prize to awesome to pass up!

I’m going to show you some pictures of my very neglected son’s room. Don’t worry–my son isn’t neglected–just his sad little room!
The only piece of goodness in here is the train art I made for him. Other than that, his room hasn’t been touched in the 3 years we’ve lived here.
Closet: Sliding doors broken, thus revealing piles of books, random boxes and a few scattered clothes. You can’t even see it in the picture, but above the closet a previous room occupant engraved their name into the wall.
Bed: Asher is almost 4 and still sleeping in a toddler bed (that I tried covering with fabric and Mod Podge once, but I didn’t really like how it turned out so I never even shared pictures on the blog–and now the fabric is peeling off!) Granted, he generally curls up in a ball to sleep, but he’s old enough to have a regular bed.
Window: Yes, that’s a sheet stuck up there. Classy.
Stuff: Toy storage and organization is lacking. Things pretty much just get tossed into different boxes…moving box–check. Diaper box–check. Tile saw box–check.
So Mandi–I think you can see that this room definitely needs your magic touch. You’d love your visit to the beautiful Northwest. Plus, we’ll head to Portland one day to eat lunch at the famous food carts!