One of my kids’ favorite thing to do at the OMSI is play in the sand box in the Science Playground. I’ve thought they’d love one at home too, but I didn’t really want their pockets full of sand as they came back inside, and I certainly didn’t want to provide the neighborhood cats with a new litter box.
This solves both of those problems!
I picked up the coffee table at a garage sale for $5 and primed and painted it. I bought a color sample of Citrus Blast from Home Depot and used about half of it in painting 3 coats on the table. I do realize that it will live outside and I have no idea how the paint will hold up to the elements, but I’m not too worried about it either.
The plastic bucket is an under bed storage container from Walmart. It was the expensive part of the project at $10. You may have one in your garage that you’re not using, or find one at a garage sale for cheaper–the important thing is that it has a lid.
My husband helped me drill holes and bolt the box to the table. For about $3.50 we picked up a 50 pound bag of play sand, and it was the perfect amount of sand. I picked up a few utencils and fun kitchen items from Salvation Army, and a few other small toys have migrated out there already too.
We finished this on Saturday, and they’ve all spent hours playing with it already. And when they’re done, we just snap the lid on!