January went too slow and now February is too fast! I missed that it was even Tuesday yesterday!
But I’ve got a great vinyl and HTV weeding tip for you today.
Look at your project image as a reference when weeding.
Most of the time it’s easy to know where to weed away the extra vinyl and where to leave the design alone.
But on a more complex project it can be more difficult.
I usually like to start from the outside in – like weed away the background portion then work inward.
But even that can get tricky.
So I’ve started to go back into Design Space too look at what I cut, and that helps me keep things striaght while weeding.
On an Iron-on project that was cut mirrored, I’ll even take the design and FLIP it so that it’s mirrored on my screen and I can follow that for where to weed next.
Today’s Tip: Look at Design Space while weeding
- If a design is rather complex and you’re not sure you’re getting all the pieces to weed out, check the image in Design Space
- If weeding Iron-on viny, flip the image so it matches the cut you are weeding on the back side