I have some calorie-free candy to show you.
I did this ceiling centerpiece (someone else did the draped fabric and lights) and took a picture with my phone.
Then here’s the stage area that a bunch of other people worked on.
In case you’re curious, here’s the rundown of how I made the ceiling piece. I overlapped 3 hula hoops (kind of a triangle shape) and zip tied them together in several spots. I wrapped a strip of duct tape across each circle too, so I’d have more places to hang my candy from.
I wrapped colored LED lights around the hoops and then wrapped everything in white fluffy batting. (I’m not sure exactly what it was, someone else purchased it for me, but they got it on clearance from Michaels after Christmas)
We attached wire to the 3 outside points of the circles, plus one in the center and created a loop at the top so it could be hung.
I then had about 5 people hold up the edges of the whole thing so I could get under it and hang all the candy sticks (white paper taped into rolls then wrapped with crepe paper) and candy pieces (balloons tied up in clear cellophane–like for making gift baskets)
Thanks for looking!
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Tuesday 20th of February 2018
Hello, I am trying to do this theme for our school dance. Do you have any other ideas on it that you could share?